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The 5 Basic Types of CNC Machines

CNC machines have gained popularity in the tooling industry over the years, attracting hobbyists as well. CNC machines depend on computers instead of humans in performing tasks. With the use of software programs, breakout boards, drives, and actuators, these machines can produce a myriad of products. Here are different types of CNC machines.

Latest Developments in CNC Machinery Technology

CNC machinery has come a long way since the early machines of the 1950s. Punch tape numerical controls used to be what every manufacturer offered. These have gradually evolved into several different codes, and were even replaced by the universal programming language G-code. With this shift in control languages and controllers came fully digital computers.

Key Benefits of Precision Machining to the Oilfield Industry

Precision machining is now the core of machine shop operations. Precision machining is particularly utilized by industries that need a high level of accuracy and quality of their systems and components. The oilfield industry is among the giant industries that enjoy the benefits of precision machining.

4 Commonly Used Metals in the Oilfield and Pipeline Industry

The oilfield and pipeline industry is just one of the many sub-industries that ensure the oil and gas industry continues to provide a stable product supply to distributors and consumers. Different raw materials are used to keep the operations running, including metals.

What is Flame Spraying? 4 Things You Need to Know

Flame spraying is a coating method widely used in manufacturing machinery components for the oilfield and pipeline industry. As depicted by its name, the process utilizes flame in its application.

3 Tips for Worker Safety and Productivity

Workplace safety is vital for many industrial operators and manufacturers. This includes machine and process safety and is important to protect workers, avoid production interruptions and achieve maximum productivity. Here is a short list to help you conquer the challenges in manufacturing and improve productivity and safety.

4 Qualities Your Machine Parts Supplier Should Have

For any business, it is crucial to have the right supplies. These days most will say to look for the ones with the cheapest prices. But is it always a better deal when you pay a lower price? Yes and no. Price should only be one factor. Here are things to consider in finding the […]

Trends Impacting the Machining Industry

Manufacturers today have more and more options when it comes to producing tools, parts and finished goods. Various machining industry trends have taken off in the last few years, with 3D printing standing out the most. Now that it’s fused with conventional CNC machining, several companies witness better efficiency and greater profitability.

Long Lasting Components with Nickel Hard Coatings

Coating material such as nickel-based alloys is a main element in several industries, particularly in oilfield, pipeline, refinery and electric industries. The main advantage of nickel hard coatings lies in the mixture of key characteristics such as high wear resistance, a high degree of resistance to chemicals, and great strength at increased temperatures. On the […]